



  • 中文堂敬拜仍在教会进行,但我们强烈建议大家通过在线的方式参与进来,敬拜会以直播的形式放在网上,再次邀请大家订阅我们的频道:点击这里
  • 英文堂所有的敬拜和讲道都在线上进行,地址是:点击这里





Dear brothers, sisters, and friends in the gospel,

With the rapid spread of COVID-19, there has been some significant changes since our last communication with you through email. Although this is the first time our church has experienced this kind of situation, our faith is in our Lord Jesus. The Leadership Team has been seeking God’s will for our church through continuous prayer.

As of March 13, 2020, Alberta Health Services has required that all gatherings of 250+ people (excluding worship services) be cancelled. Although we are not included in this criteria, we must ensure that in addition to continuing worship service, there are also measures taken to minimize the spread of the virus as much as possible. As a result, starting this week (March 15, 2020), we are going to adjust our worship service.

  • Mandarin congregation will continue to hold worship service at Alberta Bible College as well as broadcast live worship. We strongly encourage everyone to join online, please subscribe to this channel through the following link: click here
  • English congregation will hold worship service online through live broadcast in the ROOTS Facebook group. Please create a Facebook account to access this link: click here

At the same time, all Sunday school classes including children’s Sunday school will be cancelled starting this week. Our church will close promptly at the end of worship service, including use of the gym. Please redirect any activities or meetings that would usually happen on Sunday afternoons to an online communication platform. During this time, please use the following e-transfer emails for your tithe:

Mandarin congregation: offering@truthbaptist.org
English congregation: donation@truthbaptist.org

The Leadership Team will keep up to date with all information and requirements released by Alberta Health Services. In the case of any changes to this plan, Truth Baptist Church will continue to use this method of communication to keep you informed. We will promptly notify you through email and our social media platforms should any updates occur. If you have any requests or suggestions, feel free to send email to: servants@truthbaptist.org

Please continue to pray for yourselves and for our church. May God strengthen our faith, strengthen our church, and teach us to depend on him in this time of darkness. Psalm 23 says, “ Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” May God refine our faith in this time of testing, so that we may come out as pure as gold. 

Truth Baptist Church – Leadership Team
March 13, 2020

Pastor Hiring for English Congregation

Truth Baptist Church, short as TBC, is looking for pastor for the English Congregation of the church. Please see below for the related documents.

Baptist Faith: baptist-faith-message-1963

TBC Constitution: TBC Constitution 2012.5.31 article 3

TBC English Congregation Information: TBC English Congregation Information – 2019.03.31.final

Job Description: TBC English Congregation Minister Job Description – 2019.03.31.final

If interested, please send your resume and other information to hiring@truthbaptist.org before May 31, 2019. Please include “English Ministry Pastor Search” in the subject line of your email.



日期:2015年4月16 ~ 18日
地点:16日在Ambrose University体育馆(150 Ambrose Circle SW Calgary AB T3H 0L5),17、18日在南卡城华人播道会(340 39 Ave. SE Calgary T2G 1X6)
报名:请致电-Pat Tam 403-410-2000 内线 8914 或 电邮 ptam@ambrose.edu 务请报名以预留坐位及餐饮。欢迎集体报名。
住宿:外地参加者请自费预订酒店,邻近南播教会之酒店可考虑 Days Inn, Holiday Inn, Comfort Inn, Best Western Hotel




男士无论在家里 教会或社会都该成为属灵的头。
地点:5010 4st NE(教会办公室)
联系方式:韩贺鹏 (hanhepeng@hotmail.com)



For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end, on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time forth and forevermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this.

以赛亚书(Isaiah) 9:6-7